Processing old release download


i’m trying to work with the midiBus library, on some mac computer, the library does not work. if we use an older version of Processing
v3.x is working.
but i was looking for older versions of v4, but on github there is no older version available to download only sources (i’ not able to build version).
Is there a place to download in between version of Processing? i’m looking for version 4.1. macos apple silicon…

I work on macos Apple Silicon so no Processing 3.x available

thnaks for your help

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Hello @mrbbp,

We’re planning to re-upload artifacts for older releases to the new repository. In the meantime you can find them at the following links:

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oh great! Thank you very much :man_bowing:


Hello again @mrbbp,

Your message motivated me to finally take the time to upload the older builds. You can now find all previous releases in the main repository at processing/processing4. Thanks for the nudge :blush:
