Processing + Eclipse + Arduino

After a day of trying, I am unable to get Eclipse to recognize any serial messages. Using jssc I get the exception, “Port busy”. With jSerialComm I am unable to open the port. With the Processing serial library, nothing happens. I can get communication between my Uno and a Processing sketch no problem, its just Eclipse cannot even open the ports…The software I am writing is using the Processing library as a PApplet, etc on a Windows 7, 64-bit machine.

thank you for any help

//this is all the standard stuff..

import processing.serial.*;

public class Project extends PApplet {

Serial port;

public static void main(String[] args) {

public void settings() {

public void setup() {
    println("available serial ports:");
    if (Serial.list().length > ))
        port = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0}, 9600);

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Were you able to resolve this?

I’d suggest changing your pseudocode into an MCVE – the minimal sketch that will run with serial not working – and explain what output / errors you are getting that show serial is not working. Then people can help you debug, or you can report an issue if needed.

hello Jeremy,
Fortunately I was able to figure it out. Thank you for your recommendations. Next time I will do as you suggest.

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