Processing Community Day Copenhagen is happening October 2nd at Det Kongelige Akademi from 10:00-15:00 and we have an Open Call for artists/designers/creative practitioners/computer scientists/amateurs or anyone in general who has an interest in code and would like to show and tell about their software-based project. See info on the website or reach out to me:
Excited to see this happening.
Processing Community Day Copenhagen is happening October 2nd from 10:00-15:00 at the Royal Academy (Philip de Langes Allé 10 1435 København K) and we have a strong lineup of speakers and workshops + free food and drinks!
10:00 Welcome
10:20 Choose a workshop:
Workshop 1: Beginner workshop in Processing with Anne Mette Møller Hartelius
Workshop 2: Live coding in Improviz with Søren Peter
12:00 Break + free sandwich
Lightning talks
13:00 Louise Foo + Halfdan Hauch Jensen: Description coming
13:20 Louise Lessel: Shaders in P5js
13:40 Marius Juul Nielsen: Processing for live performances
14:00 Tom-Lucas Säger: Design & AI
14:20 Carl Emil Carlsen: Audiovisual interactive experiences in Processing & Unity
14:40 Mirabelle Jones: Immersive interactive storytelling
Join us
Sign up at Processing Community Day Copenhagen | IDA