Hi, I am trying to make the code below on web and mobile.
As you can see, the web seems to be fine, but when I try to open it on the mobile,
it shows nothing. I assume, there is some problem with loading texture, but no idea how to make it work. Please help me anyone knows how to fix this on mobile! Thanks in advance.
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
var z = 0;
var a = 0;
var b = 0;
var c = 0;
var d = 0;
var e = 0;
var f = 0;
var g = 0;
var h = 0;
var i = 0;
var j = 0;
var k = 0;
var directionX = 1;
var directionY = 1;
var directionZ = 1;
var directionA = 1;
var directionB = 1;
var directionC = 1;
var directionD = 1;
var directionE = 1;
var directionF = 1;
var directionG = 1;
var directionH = 1;
var directionI = 1;
var directionJ = 1;
var directionK = 1;
var count = 0;
function setup() {
createCanvas(500, 500, WEBGL);
// ortho();
pgA = createGraphics(240, 13);
pgA.background(254, 100, 54);
pgA.rect(30, 0, 180, 13);
pgB = createGraphics(240, 13);
pgB.background(254, 100, 54);
pgB.rect(162, 0, 48, 13);
function draw3Drect(value, order, textures) {
translate(0, -98 + order * 13, 0);
// normalMaterial();
box(240, 13, 240);
function draw() {
background(254, 100, 54);
count += 1;
// console.log(count);
if(x >= 90) {
x = 90;
} else if (x <= 0){
x= 0;
if(y >= 90) {
y = 90;
} else if (y <= 0){
y= 0;
if(z >= 90) {
z = 90;
} else if (z <= 0){
z = 0;
if(a >= 90) {
a = 90;
} else if (a <= 0){
a = 0;
if(b >= 90) {
b = 90;
} else if (b <= 0){
b = 0;
if(c >= 90) {
c = 90;
} else if (c <= 0){
c = 0;
if(d >= 90) {
d = 90;
} else if (d <= 0){
d = 0;
if(e >= 90) {
e = 90;
} else if (e <= 0){
e = 0;
if(f >= 90) {
f = 90;
} else if (f <= 0){
f = 0;
if(g >= 90) {
g = 90;
} else if (g <= 0){
g = 0;
if(h >= 90) {
h = 90;
} else if (h <= 0){
h = 0;
if(i >= 90) {
i = 90;
} else if (i <= 0){
i = 0;
if(j >= 90) {
j = 90;
} else if (j <= 0){
j = 0;
if(k >= 90) {
k = 90;
} else if (k <= 0){
k = 0;
draw3Drect(x, 1, pgA);
draw3Drect(y, 2, pgA);
draw3Drect(z, 3, pgA);
draw3Drect(a, 4, pgB);
draw3Drect(b, 5, pgB);
draw3Drect(c, 6, pgB);
draw3Drect(d, 7, pgA);
draw3Drect(e, 8, pgA);
draw3Drect(f, 9, pgA);
draw3Drect(g, 10, pgB);
draw3Drect(h, 11, pgB);
draw3Drect(i, 12, pgB);
draw3Drect(j, 13, pgB);
draw3Drect(k, 14, pgB);
setTimeout(function() {
if(count%540 <= 90 && count%540 > 0) {
directionX = 1;
} else if (count%540 > 90 && count%540 <= 270){
directionX = 0;
} else if (count%540 > 270 && count%540 <= 360) {
directionX = -1;
} else if (count%540 > 360 && count%540 < 540 || count%540 == 0){
directionX = 0;
x += directionX * 1;
}, 0);
setTimeout(function() {
if(count%540 <= 105 && count%540 > 15) {
directionY = 1;
} else if (count%540 > 105 && count%540 <= 285){
directionY = 0;
} else if (count%540 > 285 && count%540 <= 375) {
directionY = -1;
} else if (count%540 > 375 || count%540 <= 15){
directionY = 0;
y += directionY * 1;
}, 250);
setTimeout(function() {
if(count%540 <= 120 && count%540 > 30) {
directionZ = 1;
} else if (count%540 > 120 && count%540 <= 300){
directionZ = 0;
} else if (count%540 > 300 && count%540 <= 390) {
directionZ = -1;
} else if (count%540 > 390 || count%540 <= 30){
directionZ = 0;
z += directionZ * 1;
}, 500);
setTimeout(function() {
if(count%540 <= 135 && count%540 > 45) {
directionA = 1;
} else if (count%540 > 135 && count%540 <= 315){
directionA = 0;
} else if (count%540 > 315 && count%540 <= 405) {
directionA = -1;
} else if (count%540 > 405 || count%540 <= 45){
directionA = 0;
a += directionA * 1;
}, 750);
setTimeout(function() {
if(count%540 <= 150 && count%540 > 60) {
directionB = 1;
} else if (count%540 > 150 && count%540 <= 330){
directionB = 0;
} else if (count%540 > 330 && count%540 <= 420) {
directionB = -1;
} else if (count%540 > 420 || count%540 <= 60){
directionB = 0;
b += directionB * 1;
}, 1000);
setTimeout(function() {
if(frameCount%540 <= 165 && frameCount%540 > 75) {
directionC = 1;
} else if (frameCount%540 > 165 && frameCount%540 <= 345){
directionC = 0;
} else if (frameCount%540 > 345 && frameCount%540 <= 435) {
directionC = -1;
} else if (frameCount%540 > 435 || frameCount%540 <= 75){
directionC = 0;
c += directionC * 1;
}, 1250);
setTimeout(function() {
if(frameCount%540 <= 180 && frameCount%540 > 90) {
directionD = 1;
} else if (frameCount%540 > 180 && frameCount%540 <= 360){
directionD = 0;
} else if (frameCount%540 > 360 && frameCount%540 < 450 || frameCount%360 == 0) {
directionD = -1;
} else if (frameCount%540 > 450 || frameCount%540 <= 90){
directionD = 0;
d += directionD * 1;
}, 1500);
setTimeout(function() {
if(frameCount%540 <= 195 && frameCount%540 > 105) {
directionE = 1;
} else if (frameCount%540 > 195 && frameCount%540 <= 375){
directionE = 0;
} else if (frameCount%540 > 375 && frameCount%540 <= 465) {
directionE = -1;
} else if (frameCount%540 > 465 || frameCount%540 <= 105){
directionE = 0;
e += directionE * 1;
}, 1750);
setTimeout(function() {
if(frameCount%540 <= 210 && frameCount%540 > 120) {
directionF = 1;
} else if (frameCount%540 > 210 && frameCount%540 <= 390){
directionF = 0;
} else if (frameCount%540 > 390 && frameCount%540 <= 480) {
directionF = -1;
} else if (frameCount%540 > 480 || frameCount%540 <= 120){
directionF = 0;
f += directionF * 1;
}, 2000);
setTimeout(function() {
if(frameCount%540 <= 225 && frameCount%540 > 135) {
directionG = 1;
} else if (frameCount%540 > 225 && frameCount%540 <= 405){
directionG = 0;
} else if (frameCount%540 > 405 && frameCount%540 <= 495) {
directionG = -1;
} else if (frameCount%540 > 495 || frameCount%540 <= 135){
directionG = 0;
g += directionG * 1;
}, 2250);
setTimeout(function() {
if(frameCount%540 <= 240 && frameCount%540 > 150) {
directionH = 1;
} else if (frameCount%540 > 240 && frameCount%540 <= 420){
directionH = 0;
} else if (frameCount%540 > 420 && frameCount%540 <= 510) {
directionH = -1;
} else if (frameCount%540 > 510 || frameCount%540 <= 150){
directionH = 0;
h += directionH * 1;
}, 2500);
setTimeout(function() {
if(frameCount%540 <= 255 && frameCount%540 > 165) {
directionI = 1;
} else if (frameCount%540 > 255 && frameCount%540 <= 435){
directionI = 0;
} else if (frameCount%540 > 435 && frameCount%540 <= 525) {
directionI = -1;
} else if (frameCount%540 > 525 || frameCount%540 <= 165){
directionI = 0;
i += directionI * 1;
}, 2750);
setTimeout(function() {
if(frameCount%540 > 180 && frameCount%540 <= 270) {
directionJ = 1;
} else if (frameCount%540 > 270 && frameCount%540 <= 450){
directionJ = 0;
} else if (frameCount%540 > 450 && frameCount%540 < 540 || frameCount%540 == 0) {
directionJ = -1;
} else if (frameCount%540 > 0 && frameCount%540 <= 180){
directionJ = 0;
j += directionJ * 1;
}, 3000);
setTimeout(function() {
if(frameCount%540 > 195 && frameCount%540 <= 285) {
directionK = 1;
} else if (frameCount%540 <= 465 && frameCount%540 > 285 ){
directionK = 0;
} else if (frameCount%540 > 465 || frameCount%540 <= 15) {
directionK = -1;
} else if (frameCount%540 > 15 && frameCount%540 <= 195){
directionK = 0;
k += directionK * 1;
}, 3250);