Need help with enemy and bullet collision in my little game

hi, so im making a shooting simple game in processing but I have no idea how to make my enemy disappear and then respawn after my bullets hit it.

this is my code:

int pixelsize = 4;
int gridsize  = pixelsize * 7 + 5;
Player player;
Enemy e;
ArrayList bullets = new ArrayList();
int direction = 1;

int score = 0;
PFont f;

void setup()
  size (600, 600);
  player = new Player();
  e = new Enemy();

  f = createFont("Arial", 20, true);

void draw()




  for (int i = 0; i < bullets.size(); i++)
    Bullet bullet = (Bullet) bullets.get(i);


void drawScore()
  text("Player Score: " + String.valueOf(score), 240, 20);

class Bullet
  int x, y;

  Bullet(int xpos, int ypos)
    x = xpos + gridsize/2 - 4;
    y = ypos;

  void draw()
    rect(x, y, pixelsize, pixelsize);
    y -= pixelsize * 2;

class Enemy
  float EnemyX, EnemyY, EnemyW, EnemyH;
  float speedX, speedY, maxSpeed;
  boolean isAlive = true;

  Enemy() //constructor
    EnemyX = 0;  //this makes the top LEFT corner in the middle of the screen when running.
    EnemyY = 100; //y position when respowning
    EnemyW = 50; //the width is 50
    EnemyH = 50; //the height is 50
    speedX = 2.5; //initialize the speed to 0 so it does not move when hit "run"
  void move()
    if (isAlive)
    EnemyX += speedX;

  void checkBounds()
    if (EnemyX > width)
      EnemyX = -EnemyW;

  void display()  //making my enemy

    noStroke(); //no stroke
    fill(#95E0B8); //pink but fancier
    rect(EnemyX, EnemyY, EnemyW, EnemyH);

class SpaceShip
  int x, y;
  String ship[];
  color baseColor = color(#E095C2);
  color nextColor = baseColor;

  void draw()
    drawShip(x, y);

  void drawShip(int xpos, int ypos)

    nextColor = baseColor;

    for (int i = 0; i < ship.length; i++)
      String row = (String) ship[i];

      for (int j = 0; j < row.length(); j++)
        if (row.charAt(j) == '1')
          rect(xpos+(j * pixelsize), ypos+(i * pixelsize), pixelsize, pixelsize);

  void updateObj()

class Player extends SpaceShip {
  boolean canShoot = true;
  int shootdelay = 0;

  Player() {
    x = width/gridsize/2;
    y = height - (10 * pixelsize);
    ship    = new String[5];
    ship[0] = "0010100";
    ship[1] = "0110110";
    ship[2] = "1111111";
    ship[3] = "1111111";
    ship[4] = "0111110";

  void updateObj()
    if (keyPressed && keyCode == LEFT)
      x -= 5;

    if (keyPressed && keyCode == RIGHT)
      x += 5;

    if (keyPressed && keyCode == UP)
      y -= 5;

    if (keyPressed && keyCode == DOWN)
      y += 5;

    if (keyPressed && key == ' ' && canShoot)
      bullets.add(new Bullet(x, y));
      canShoot = false;
      shootdelay = 0;


    if (shootdelay >= 20)
      canShoot = true;

Hi @butterjwab,

Welcome to the processing forum. Would you please read the following to format your code…

This makes it easier for us to help you.

— mnse

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Hi sorry, I just started using this website and wasn’t being aware of the format. I’ve changed it.

int pixelsize = 4;
int gridsize  = pixelsize * 7 + 5;
Player player;
Enemy e;
ArrayList bullets = new ArrayList();
int direction = 1;

int score = 0;
PFont f;

void setup()
  size (600, 600);
  player = new Player();
  e = new Enemy();

  f = createFont("Arial", 20, true);

void draw()




  for (int i = 0; i < bullets.size(); i++)
    Bullet bullet = (Bullet) bullets.get(i);


void drawScore()
  text("Player Score: " + String.valueOf(score), 240, 20);

class Bullet
  int x, y;

  Bullet(int xpos, int ypos)
    x = xpos + gridsize/2 - 4;
    y = ypos;

  void draw()
    rect(x, y, pixelsize, pixelsize);
    y -= pixelsize * 2;

class Enemy
  float EnemyX, EnemyY, EnemyW, EnemyH;
  float speedX, speedY, maxSpeed;
  boolean isAlive = true;

  Enemy() //constructor
    EnemyX = 0;  //this makes the top LEFT corner in the middle of the screen when running.
    EnemyY = 100; //y position when respowning
    EnemyW = 50; //the width is 50
    EnemyH = 50; //the height is 50
    speedX = 2.5; //initialize the speed to 0 so it does not move when hit "run"
  void move()
    if (isAlive)
    EnemyX += speedX;

  void checkBounds()
    if (EnemyX > width)
      EnemyX = -EnemyW;

  void display()  //making my enemy

    noStroke(); //no stroke
    fill(#95E0B8); //pink but fancier
    rect(EnemyX, EnemyY, EnemyW, EnemyH);

class SpaceShip
  int x, y;
  String ship[];
  color baseColor = color(#E095C2);
  color nextColor = baseColor;

  void draw()
    drawShip(x, y);

  void drawShip(int xpos, int ypos)

    nextColor = baseColor;

    for (int i = 0; i < ship.length; i++)
      String row = (String) ship[i];

      for (int j = 0; j < row.length(); j++)
        if (row.charAt(j) == '1')
          rect(xpos+(j * pixelsize), ypos+(i * pixelsize), pixelsize, pixelsize);

  void updateObj()

class Player extends SpaceShip {
  boolean canShoot = true;
  int shootdelay = 0;

  Player() {
    x = width/gridsize/2;
    y = height - (10 * pixelsize);
    ship    = new String[5];
    ship[0] = "0010100";
    ship[1] = "0110110";
    ship[2] = "1111111";
    ship[3] = "1111111";
    ship[4] = "0111110";

  void updateObj()
    if (keyPressed && keyCode == LEFT)
      x -= 5;

    if (keyPressed && keyCode == RIGHT)
      x += 5;

    if (keyPressed && keyCode == UP)
      y -= 5;

    if (keyPressed && keyCode == DOWN)
      y += 5;

    if (keyPressed && key == ' ' && canShoot)
      bullets.add(new Bullet(x, y));
      canShoot = false;
      shootdelay = 0;


    if (shootdelay >= 20)
      canShoot = true;