Some programs that I have written are running the active window off my screen (there is about a third of the height sticking down from the top off the screen . I have tried copy and pasting into a new file but this has no effect ! Any help please ? !
It only occurs in p3 files that are pinned to desktop so I suppose this is something to do with it ?
The program is a bit messy and incoherent as it was in progress.
Here is the program
// ********* PLANETS *************
int[]planetsx= new int [100]; // 100 planets : x coos
int[]planetsy= new int [100]; // 100 planets : y coos
int[]planetsz= new int [100]; // 100 planets : z coos
int []planetfillR = new int [100];
int []planetfillB = new int [100]; // planet colour arrays
int []planetfillG = new int [100];
int []planetsize = new int [100]; // planet sizes array
float x;
float y;
float z;
float s=.1;
float altitude=1;
float turn;
float cx=PI/2;
float a=PI/256;
void setup(){
size (2000,2000,P3D);
for (int i=0;i<100;i++){
planetsx[i]=int (random(-2000,2000));
planetsy[i]=int (random(-2000,2000));
planetsz[i]=int (random(-2000,2000));
planetfillR[i]=int (random(255));
planetfillB[i]=int (random(255));
planetfillG[i]=int (random(255));
planetsize[i]=int (random(50));
void draw(){
background(#1F0531); //spotLight(0, 2, 126, 0, 0, -400, -1, 0, 0, PI/3, 52);
pointLight(51, 102, 126, 35, 40, 36);
for (int i=0;i<100;i++){
camera (0,0,0,0,cx,0,1,0,0);
translate (planetsx[i]+x,planetsy[i]+y,planetsz[i]+z);
sphere (planetsize[i]);
noStroke ();
fill ((planetfillR[i]) , (planetfillB[i]) ,(planetfillG[i]));
if (keyPressed){
if (key == ‘/’){x=x+s;} //RIGHT
if (key == ‘,’){x=x-s;} //LEFT
if (key == ‘c’){y=y-s;} //ALTITUDE UP
if (key == ‘z’){y=y+s;} //ALTITUDE DOWN
if (key == ‘x’){z=z-s;} //BACK
if (key == ‘.’){z=z+s;} //FORTH
if (key == ‘m’){cx=cx+a;} // rotate cam side to side
if (key == ‘v’){cx=cx-a;}