Many java libraries ignored during exporting for macOS

Hello community.
So I’ve a sketch where I plan to use few native libraries like:

import java.util.*;


import java.awt.Dimension;
import javax.swing.UIManager;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

The sketch works fine when running from the IDE.
But after exporting to multiple platforms, the app dirs for windows and linux platforms have the lib dir in them while the app dir for mac doesn’t include the lib dir.
Also while compiling it gives the error as follows (specific to macOS as platform I believe):

javafx.base.jar is mentioned in export.txt, but it's a big fat lie and does not exist.
javafx.controls.jar is mentioned in export.txt, but it's a big fat lie and does not exist.
javafx.fxml.jar is mentioned in export.txt, but it's a big fat lie and does not exist. is mentioned in export.txt, but it's a big fat lie and does not exist. is mentioned in export.txt, but it's a big fat lie and does not exist.
javafx.swing.jar is mentioned in export.txt, but it's a big fat lie and does not exist.

I tried to look up and in summary it seems the underlying compilation command needs some extra arguments to specify lib dirs (or something like that).

Is this something that is in the pipeline to be fixed?
What’s the temporary solution for macOS?