Manually calculate additive blendmode with pixels[]


I’m currently coding a program in which I draw some random generated patterns like this :

function setup() {
     colorMode(RGB, 255, 255, 255, 255);

function draw() {
    for(var i = 0; i < 20000; i++)
      x = generateCoordinatesX();
      y = generateCoordinateY();

      var pointColor = generateColor(); //rgba

      point(x, y);

When two ore more points get supperposed, they are displayed with additive BlendMode.
As the number of point is quite big, it slows down the simulation a lot. I tried to adapt this code with the pixels method like bellow to speed up things :

function draw() {
    for(var i = 0; i < 20000; i++)
      x = generateCoordinatesX();
      y = generateCoordinateY();
      var index = (x + y * width)*4;
      pixels[index+0] += ???;
      pixels[index+1] += ???;
      pixels[index+2] += ???;
      pixels[index+3] += ???;

The issue is that i dont know how to generate the R,G,B,A value so that it behave with additive Blending like my first version.
Is there a way to manually calculate this ? I tried with formulas i found but after some tests, the results are different.

Thanks in advance

What did you try? Do you have sketches you made? It would be helpful to post complete sketches (not meaning functional but the whole sketch not a snippet) for others to debug!

Additive blending is literally adding r, g, b channels independently (assuming alpha is opaque).