Loading a GIF in Processing

So I need to display a couple of gifs in my sketch, I searched at google a bit, what I found:

  • This example: Animated Sprite (Shifty + Teddy) / Examples / Processing.org which doesnt halp me, I need to load a gif; not make one (this would actually be okay for my use but it is dependant on frameRate() ),

  • gifAnimation library seems perfect for me but it is not compatible with the current version,

  • Image Sequence Player library also doesnt help since it is similar to the processing website example

Is there a newer library that can load gif files? If not how can I load gif files? Or I can also try making a class like in the website example but one that doesnt depend on framerate.

Built in function loadImage() supports also gifs. Is there a reason you cannot use it?

It only shows the first frame of a gif as a static image. I want to import the gif as an animation.

Hey, having the same problem, did you ever figure it out?

Hi @FrankieDes,

why not just using GifAnimation library from Contribution Manager ?

— mnse


he says gifAnimation is dont work with he version

That was 4 years ago. The current version of this library works just fine in Processing 4.3

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im about GitHub - extrapixel/gif-animation: GifAnimation is a Processing library to play and export GIF animations, are he about another lib? (p.s. it dont work me too)

That is an old repository the current one for GifAnimation 3.0.0 is here