I am developing a Processing library in Eclipse for MacOS. I’m running Processing 4.3.
I run the Ant build in Eclipse, and everything works. I have an updated library in my Documents/Processing/libraries directory. It shows up in the Sketch menu > Import Library… submenu.
I uploaded the distribution to Google Drive and downloaded it to my Windows 10 machine. I copied the files to the Documents/Processing/libraries directory. It does not show up in the Sketch menu > Import Library… submenu. I tried compiling it in Eclipse for Windows, and everything seemed to build correctly, with a new version of the library in the libraries directory. However, it still would not appear in the menu.
At the moment, in Windows I can load the .jar file into a code directory for each of my examples, and the examples run. There doesn’t seem to be a problem with the code or the .jar file.
Is there any reason Processing for Windows would not load my library, even when it’s in the correct place? Is there some tweak in the Settings file?
Mostly I develop in MacOS, but it will clearly be necessary to have everything work in Windows.