Kinect PV2 record color point cloud

Hello, i am trying to record the point cloud with color using this Kinect PV2 library,
apparenty the getPointCloudColorPos() returns - INFINITY values, so i used 3 buffers two for the represantation in the processing sketch, and then took the getColorChannelBuffer() and .getPointCloudDepthPos() to take the data and record them in a ply file. I made it as soon as takes the data to write them in a ply file, but takes ages from every frame.

So i used the example of RecordPointCloud and add two floatbuffers in the class and then record them.

Everything goes well, until i press record that gives me :

Version: 0.7.8
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x00000000778bd6c1, pid=25044, tid=0x0000000000006510
# JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (8.0_144-b01) (build 1.8.0_144-b01)
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (25.144-b01 mixed mode windows-amd64 compressed oops)
# Problematic frame:
# V  [jvm.dll+0x15d6c1]
# Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows
# An error report file with more information is saved as:
# E:\Pool\processing-3.3.6\hs_err_pid25044.log
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:

Here is the code:

Thomas Sanchez Lengeling.
 KinectPV2, Kinect for Windows v2 library for processing
 Point Cloud Color Example using low level openGL calls and Shaders

import java.nio.*;

import KinectPV2.*;

private KinectPV2 kinect;

//values for the 3d scene
float a = 3;
//z scale value
int   zval     = 350;
//value to scale the point cloud
float scaleVal = 990;

float rotY = 0;
float rotZ = 0;
float rotX = PI;

float depthVal = 0;

int vertLoc;
int colorLoc;

int numFrames =  100; // 30 frames  = 1s of recording
int frameCounter = 0; // frame counter

boolean recordFrame = false;  //recording flag
boolean doneRecording = false;

ArrayList<FrameBuffer> mFrames;
//openGL instances
//render ot openGL object
PGL pgl;

//create a shader
PShader sh;

//VBO buffer location in the GPU
int vertexVboId;
int colorVboId;
int colorVDepth;

public void setup() {
  size(1280, 768, P3D);

  kinect = new KinectPV2(this);
  mFrames = new ArrayList<FrameBuffer>();



  //create shader object with a vertex shader and a fragment shader
  sh = loadShader("frag.glsl", "vert.glsl");

  //create VBO

  PGL pgl = beginPGL();

  // allocate buffer big enough to get all VBO ids back
  IntBuffer intBuffer = IntBuffer.allocate(3);
  pgl.genBuffers(3, intBuffer);

  //memory location of the VBO
  vertexVboId = intBuffer.get(0);
  colorVboId = intBuffer.get(1);
  colorVDepth = intBuffer.get(2);


public void draw() {


  //image(kinect.getColorImage(), 0, 0, 320, 240);

  // The geometric transformations will be automatically passed to the shader
  translate(width / 2, height / 2, zval);
  scale(scaleVal, -1 * scaleVal, scaleVal);
  rotate(a, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);

  //render to the openGL object
  pgl = beginPGL();

  //obtain the point cloud positions
  FloatBuffer pointCloudBuffer = kinect.getPointCloudColorPos();

  //get the color for each point of the cloud Points
  FloatBuffer colorBuffer      = kinect.getColorChannelBuffer();
  FloatBuffer DepthBuffer = kinect.getPointCloudDepthPos();
//  for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++) {
//  println("r :"+colorBuffer.get(i*3 + 0));
//  println("g :"+colorBuffer.get(i*3 + 1));
//  println("b :"+colorBuffer.get(i*3 + 2));
//    println("x :"+DepthBuffer.get(i*3 + 0));
//  println("y :"+DepthBuffer.get(i*3 + 1));
//  println("z :"+DepthBuffer.get(i*3 + 2));

  //send the the vertex positions (point cloud) and color down the render pipeline
  //positions are render in the vertex shader, and color in the fragment shader
  vertLoc = pgl.getAttribLocation(sh.glProgram, "vertex");
  //enable drawing to the vertex and color buffer
  colorLoc = pgl.getAttribLocation(sh.glProgram, "color");

  int vertData = kinect.WIDTHColor * kinect.HEIGHTColor * 3;

    pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexVboId);
    // fill VBO with data
    pgl.bufferData(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, Float.BYTES * vertData, pointCloudBuffer, PGL.DYNAMIC_DRAW);
    // associate currently bound VBO with shader attribute
    pgl.vertexAttribPointer(vertLoc, 3, PGL.FLOAT, false, Float.BYTES * 3, 0);

  // color
    pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, colorVboId);
    // fill VBO with data
    pgl.bufferData(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, Float.BYTES * vertData, colorBuffer, PGL.DYNAMIC_DRAW);
    // associate currently bound VBO with shader attribute
    pgl.vertexAttribPointer(colorLoc, 3, PGL.FLOAT, false, Float.BYTES * 3, 0);

  // unbind VBOs
  pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);

  //draw the point cloud as a set of points
  pgl.drawArrays(PGL.POINTS, 0, vertData);

  //disable drawing

  //close the shader
  //close the openGL object

allocateFrame(colorBuffer, DepthBuffer );



  stroke(255, 0, 0);
  text(frameRate, 50, height- 50);

void allocateFrame(FloatBuffer buffer1, FloatBuffer buffer2) {
  if (recordFrame) {
    if ( frameCounter < numFrames) {
      FrameBuffer frameBuffer = new FrameBuffer(buffer1, buffer2);

    } else {
      recordFrame = false;
      doneRecording = true;

void writeFrames() {
  if (doneRecording) {
    for (int i = 0; i < mFrames.size(); i++) {
      FrameBuffer fBuffer =  (FrameBuffer)mFrames.get(i);
    doneRecording = false;
    println("Done Recording frames: "+numFrames);

public void mousePressed() {

  //  saveFrame();

public void keyPressed() {
    if (key == 'r') {
    recordFrame = true;
  if (key == 'a') {
    zval +=1;
  if (key == 's') {
    zval -= 1;

  if (key == 'z') {
    scaleVal += 1;
  if (key == 'x') {
    scaleVal -= 1;

  if (key == 'q') {
    a += 0.1;
    println("angle "+a);
  if (key == 'w') {
    a -= 0.1;
    println("angle "+a);

  if (key == 'c') {
    depthVal -= 0.01;

  if (key == 'v') {
    depthVal += 0.01;

And here is the class:

Simple class that manager saving each FloatBuffer and writes the data into a OBJ file
class FrameBuffer {

  FloatBuffer frameColor;
  FloatBuffer frame;
  //id of the frame
  int frameId;

  FrameBuffer(FloatBuffer f, FloatBuffer fcolor) {
    frame = clone(f);
    frameColor = clone(fcolor);

  void setFrameId(int fId) {
    frameId = fId;

  Writing of the obj file,
  void saveOBJFrame() {
    int vertData = 512 * 424;
    String[] points = new String[vertData+8];

    //Iterate through all the XYZ points
    for (int i = 0; i < vertData; i++) {
//  for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++) {
  println("r :"+frameColor.get(i*3 + 0));
  println("g :"+frameColor.get(i*3 + 1));
  println("b :"+frameColor.get(i*3 + 2));
    println("x :"+frame.get(i*3 + 0));
  println("y :"+frame.get(i*3 + 1));
  println("z :"+frame.get(i*3 + 2));
      //float x =  frame.get(i*3 + 0);
      //float y =  frame.get(i*3 + 1);
      //float z =  frame.get(i*3 + 2);
      //points[1]="element vertex "+ vertData;
      //points[2]="property float x";
      //points[3]="property float y";
      //points[4]="property float z";
      //points[5]="element face 0";
      //points[6]="property list uint int vertex_indices";
      //points[8+i] = x+" "+y+" "+z;
    //saveStrings("data/"+frameId+".ply", points);
    //println("Done Saving Frame "+frameId);

  //Simple function that copys the FloatBuffer to another FloatBuffer
  public  FloatBuffer clone(FloatBuffer original) {
    FloatBuffer clone = FloatBuffer.allocate(original.capacity());
    original.rewind();//copy from the beginning
    return clone;

Do you have any idea, what might be?

Can you explain this statement? Do you mean never returns, or it returns a… actually, I’m just not sure what this means. What was the behavior that led you to conclude this?

rather than values it console.logs “-INFINITY”.

Mysterious. I’m not sure where that INFINITY message is coming from, but I don’t think that keyword appears in that library.

Here is the source search for “getPointCloudColorPos” to perhaps consider inspecting for clues to what is happening…

with adding this for loop to see the data of the buffers at line 129:

for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++) {
  println("r :"+colorBuffer.get(i*3 + 0));
  println("g :"+colorBuffer.get(i*3 + 1));
  println("b :"+colorBuffer.get(i*3 + 2));
    println("x_c :"+pointCloudColorBuffer.get(1*3+0));
  println("y_c :"+pointCloudColorBuffer.get(i*3 + 1));
  println("z_c :"+pointCloudColorBuffer.get(i*3 + 2));
      println("x_p :"+pointCloudBuffer.get(1*3+0));
  println("y_p :"+pointCloudBuffer.get(i*3 + 1));
  println("z_p :"+pointCloudBuffer.get(i*3 + 2));

it console.logs :

r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0
r :254.0
g :254.0
b :254.0
x_c :-Infinity
y_c :-Infinity
z_c :-Infinity
x_p :0.0
y_p :0.0
z_p :0.0

I think maybe is a float infinity value.

I’ve tried this code and getting this error.
what could be the reason?

64 windows
Init Kinect2 
[Freenect2Impl] enumerating devices...
[Freenect2Impl] 16 usb devices connected
[Freenect2Impl] failed to open Kinect v2 @1:12!
[Freenect2Impl] found 0 devices
No Device Connected!
Cannot Find Devices

Kinect runs well with Kinect studio, no problem whatsoever

By “this code” do you mean the RecordPointCloud example?

Which Kinect device version are you using, with what Processing and what library?

1 Like

Hi Jemery,
I’ve managed to get data from kinect and also I can export csv and obj format file. But Somehow I couldn’t figure it out how to export .ply format.

Purpose of this project is importing Cinema4D BUT c4d gets too slow with obj sequence, and somehow csv data also didn’t work.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.nio.*;
import KinectPV2.*;

KinectPV2 kinect;

PGL pgl;
PShader sh;

int  vertLoc;

float a = 7;
int zval = -6;
float scaleVal = 500;

//Distance Threashold
int maxD = 4000; // 4.5 m
int minD = 0;  //  50 cm

int numFrames =  30; // 30 frames  = 1s of recording
int frameCounter = 0; // frame counter

boolean recordFrame = false;  //recording flag
boolean doneRecording = false;

//Array where all the frames are allocated
ArrayList<FrameBuffer> mFrames;

//VBO buffer location in the GPU
int vertexVboId;

void setup() {
  size(1024, 768, P3D);

  kinect = new KinectPV2(this);

  //create arrayList
  mFrames = new ArrayList<FrameBuffer>();

  //Enable point cloud


  sh = loadShader("frag.glsl", "vert.glsl");
  PGL pgl = beginPGL();

  IntBuffer intBuffer = IntBuffer.allocate(1);
  pgl.genBuffers(1, intBuffer);

  //memory location of the VBO
  vertexVboId = intBuffer.get(0);


  //set framerate to 30

void draw() {

  //draw the depth capture images
  //image(kinect.getDepthImage(), 0, 0, 320, 240);
  //image(kinect.getPointCloudDepthImage(), 320, 0, 320, 240);

  //translate the scene to the center
  translate(width / 2, height / 2, zval);
  scale(scaleVal, -1 * scaleVal, scaleVal);
  rotate(a, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);

  // Threahold of the point Cloud.

  //get the points in 3d space
  FloatBuffer pointCloudBuffer = kinect.getPointCloudDepthPos();

  //data size, 512 x 424 x 3 (XYZ) coordinate
  int vertData = kinect.WIDTHDepth * kinect.HEIGHTDepth  * 3;

  pgl = beginPGL();

  vertLoc = pgl.getAttribLocation(sh.glProgram, "vertex");


    pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexVboId);

    pgl.bufferData(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, Float.BYTES * vertData, pointCloudBuffer, PGL.DYNAMIC_DRAW);

    pgl.vertexAttribPointer(vertLoc, 3, PGL.FLOAT, false, Float.BYTES * 3, 0);
  // unbind VBOs
  pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);

  pgl.drawArrays(PGL.POINTS, 0, vertData);



  //allocate the current pointCloudBuffer into an array of FloatBuffers

  //when the allocation is done write the obj frames

  stroke(255, 0, 0);
  text(frameRate, 50, height - 50);

//allocate all the frame in a temporary array
void allocateFrame(FloatBuffer buffer) {
  if (recordFrame) {
    if ( frameCounter < numFrames) {
      FrameBuffer frameBuffer = new FrameBuffer(buffer);
    } else {
      recordFrame = false;
      doneRecording = true;

//Write all the frames recorded
void writeFrames() {
  if (doneRecording) {
    for (int i = 0; i < mFrames.size(); i++) {
      FrameBuffer fBuffer =  (FrameBuffer)mFrames.get(i);
    doneRecording = false;
    println("Done Recording frames: "+numFrames);

public void mousePressed() {

  // saveFrame();

public void keyPressed() {

  //start recording 30 frames with 'r'
  if (key == 'r') {
    recordFrame = true;
  if (key == 'a') {
    zval +=1;
  if (key == 's') {
    zval -= 1;

  if (key == 'z') {
    scaleVal += 0.1;
  if (key == 'x') {
    scaleVal -= 0.1;

  if (key == 'q') {
    a += 0.1;
  if (key == 'w') {
    a -= 0.1;

  if (key == '1') {
    minD += 10;
    println("Change min: ss"+minD);

  if (key == '2') {
    minD -= 10;
    println("Change min: "+minD);

  if (key == '3') {
    maxD += 10;
    println("Change max: "+maxD);

  if (key == '4') {
    maxD -= 10;
    println("Change max: "+maxD);


Simple class that manager saving each FloatBuffer and writes the data into a OBJ file
class FrameBuffer {

  FloatBuffer frame;
  //id of the frame
  int frameId;

  FrameBuffer(FloatBuffer f) {
    frame = clone(f);

  void setFrameId(int fId) {
    frameId = fId;

  Writing of the obj file,
  void saveOBJFrame() {
    int vertData = 512 * 424;
    String[] points = new String[vertData];

    //Iterate through all the XYZ points
    for (int i = 0; i < vertData; i++) {
      float x =  frame.get(i*3 + 0);
      float y =  frame.get(i*3 + 1);
      float z =  frame.get(i*3 + 2);
      points[i] = "v "+x+" "+y+" "+z;
    saveStrings("data/frame0"+frameId+".csv", points);
    println("Done Saving Frame "+frameId);

  //Simple function that copys the FloatBuffer to another FloatBuffer
  public  FloatBuffer clone(FloatBuffer original) {
    FloatBuffer clone = FloatBuffer.allocate(original.capacity());
    original.rewind();//copy from the beginning
    return clone;

I’m not aware of a Processing library for PLY file export, but here are two Java libraries:

…and here are three discussions of how to write your own exporter in the format:

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