Keyboard shortcuts greyed out & not working after update from 4.0 to 4.32, Sonoma 14.5

I use the native IDE and after updating from 4.0 to 4.32, all the keyboard shortcuts are greyed out and don’t work.

I am running Sonoma 14.5 on a Mac M1.

Any hints about what’s happened here and how to fix? I didn’t change anything that I know of except the Processing version.


Keyboard shortcuts in Processing 4.3.2 work with Sonoma 14.6.1 (M2) even though they are greyed out.

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Ah, thanks. Autoformat sure didn’t. Or at least I think it didn’t. I will check again!

Just checked, on my setup, COMMAND-TAB calls up a version of the system ribbon - even when the IDE is in focus. Not sure how to circumvent that interpretation. Might be a setting somewhere… ?

Aha, it works for me now. I think the issue is that although I was “in” Processing as the active application, I wasn’t actually “in” the editor (…although I thought I was). tx