How to launch Processing .exe with Windows 10 Task Scheduler?

Looking to improve the method for starting exported applications from Processing.

In the past I have used the “startup” folder located in the bowls of Windows to automatically launch sketches I have exported from Processing when the computer booted. Send it right to full screen and it’s art installation ready.

However, I am looking at how to do it on command. Such as using the Windows 10 “Task Scheduler” program. It can do lots of things like restart the computer and open other files, etc.

But, I cannot seem to get it to open an exported processing application. A .exe. to be sure.

I can double click it just fine in the File Explorer but when I use Task Scheduler is will not run. The same syntax will load a Chrome or any other program.

Do other people experience this too?

To be sure you just…

  1. Create a new Task
  2. Give it a name
  3. Set the Trigger to Daily
  4. Set the Action to “Start Program”
    Details -> “C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application|\chrome.exe” (WORKS!)
    Details -> “C:\Users\User\Documents\My App1.exe” (DOES NOT WORK?)

Are there any arguments to use in the Action to push this through?

Any other tips on why this might not be working, how to fix, or alternative methods of launching exported applications in an automated fashion.

Thank you very much!


When you are here:


Also add the folder where your exe is to here:

Start in (optional):

That worked for me to launch a Processing exe



Start in (optional):


I just tried this with my Countdown Timer and it works:


Thank you for the reply. Nice Job! This actually works great, what an interesting way to make it work.

I actually just figured out another way but I think you might have shown the best method.

What I did was write a “bash script” that changed to the directory and then started the .exe of the sketch I exported from Processing 4.

I wrote this into the Windows 10 Notepad:

cd "C:\Users\USER\Desktop\HelloTaskA1"
start HelloTaskA1.exe

I then saved it with the “.bat” filename instead of the “.txt”

Then, you can double click this .bat file and it will run the exported application you made.

Of course it work in Task Scheduler.

One more thing is that since you do not need to run it with any arguments it is also easy to use launch() within Processing to launch other things. Could be handy to have a Processing app launch another one, for example.

Thanks again I hope this helps out!

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