Ever since Processing changed to 2, the indentations and curly braces have not worked very well to cover different styles, when using auto-format to fix the code.
If there is no way to change it, then I think I’ll stick to processing IDE for now, for this purpose.
Personally I write larger Java projects (that have processing in the background) using Sublime Text, which is pretty good and modifiable. It’s just that I teach using processing, and I can’t waste extra time having students setup another system. Processing itself is good enough and stable enough to run on pc/mac, and as a teacher, that’s one less thing to worry about.
I’m actually surprised if there’s no way to modify the brace/indentation style, since e.g. tabs can be set. While I am sure this is already being discussed or thought about, do you by any chance know where one might put suggestions for developing processing further? I tried to look for that from the processing-, foundation-, and discourse-websites, but could not find it.