Procssing3.5.4, cannot find my camera. However other software like ZOOM can use it successfully. There is no prohibition or occupation.
![image|264x500](upload://4XHM9UNeQdK3yZ2mikg8HFNVWQU.png)Procssing3.5.4, cannot find my camera. However other software like ZOOM can use it successfully. There is no prohibition or occupation.
![image|264x500](upload://4XHM9UNeQdK3yZ2mikg8HFNVWQU.png)What OS, what camera?
I am have same problem, my systyem is windoows 10,perocessing is 3.5.4,is list erro “Processing video library using GStreamer 1.16.2 There are no cameras available for capture.WARNING: no real random source present!”
I use windows app “camera” can be display pictrue.