GSoC 2023: Join the Processing Foundation as a Summer of Code Contributor!

Hi fellow developers, I’ve recently started with Open Source contribution and am incredibly excited about GSOC. I went through the topic of AR Image Markers for Android and the related documents. I just wanted to confirm that I was on the right track. What I have understood is, that:

  1. As listed in this thread (Android AR / marker as anchor / drawing obj?) we want to add AR image markers to the processing-android repo.
  2. Just like the PlaneRenderer and Background Renderer, we want to add an Image marker feature that can detect and augment 2D images in the user’s environment, such as posters or product packaging. (As given in: Add dimension to images  |  ARCore  |  Google Developers)

What I’m doubtful about is:

  1. Whether we want to use Google Ar Core Package to implement this or develop our own from scratch.
  2. Whether we want the feature in either Java or Kotlin. Or both of them?
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