G4P One More Small Refinement for Droplists

Hi Peter, don’t kill me, but there is one more little thing that would be amazing to add to the droplists at some point - the ability to click into the scrollbar track to move a screenful at a time, or click and hold to run to the cursor in the list.

Here’s a pic to show what I mean:

So when you click where the red circle is, it would be great to have the list move a screenful at a time, or if you click and hold, to move until all screenfuls meet the location of the cursor.

OS dropdown lists work this way, and if there’s a way to implement this without too much trouble it would be amazing.

Thanks for consideration.


This duplicates the action of the two buttons, including this feature would make them redundant.

Yes this might be nice and I would consider it so why not add it as a feature request on Sourceforge.

TBH this would be very low priority because

  • it is such a minor feature
  • it is not a bug
  • I have just issued a new release
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I totally hear you.

Agreed it duplicates the action of the two buttons, but OS’s have lots of duplicate ways to do the same thing, and users do click on the scroll track because it’s a larger target. Hence easier to use.

Plus then it more closely duplicates the whole purpose of the control - to provide drop-down list behaviours similar to common drop down list behaviours. I only noticed it because I personally click in scroll tracks a lot and when the control didn’t respond I was surprised.

Please only do what you wish. It was not a big report but an enhancement request.

It’s already a fantastic library and if you left it as is it’s still wonderful.

Thank you Peter, only do what feels right.


PS also it would be weird to have the run to cursor behaviour but not the click on the track behaviour.

I’ll post to SF but please just do what you think is best.

Thx kindly,


Have posted requests to SF. Forgive the formatting; my numbering got off somehow in the request list and I have no idea how to reopen the request to edit it :slight_smile:

Thank you kind sir


PS - Also, you should have a “tip jar” somehow - let people send you a little £ to let you know how much they appreciate you. If you have a PP account I’d like to send you a little money to thank you for all your tireless efforts and kindness and patience with me. Send me a PM with your PP address if you wouldn’t mind :slight_smile:

I have read the request and it is quite clear what you intended so don’t worry about it.

I appreciate the thought but a simple thanks is enough. On the odd occasion where someone has been very insistent I asked them to donate the money to charity, preferably one supporting children or cancer research / support instead.