FTDI USB DMX device (Mac)

I have a cheap ftdi usb to dmx device. I have it working with 3rd party software but I want to try with Processing. There is the OpenDMX library but it is windows only. Anyone know of a similar library for osx?

Or maybe how I can write my own library? Not sure how the communication protocol works over serial?

just for anyone who might stumble on this post I ended up making a library for this: GitHub - jaysonh/Dmx4Artists: Processing library to use ftdi DMX device


Is there any way to get your library to work on a Pi?

Would downloading qlc+ resolve the ftdi issue? I donated to qlc+ and am currently waiting for the download link… to test this out.

Hi it’s not working on linux atm, but it shouldn’t be too hard for me to get it to work on the Pi. Give me a few days and i’ll try it.

What version of the Rapsberry Pi are you using btw?

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Hey! OK, good to know it’s not supported atm. But to have that support would be so rad.

I am currently running v11 bullseye - RPi, 64bit.

If I can help test or anything, let me know – more than happy to.

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Hi, I have it working on Ubuntu now so should run the RPI.

I only have a RPI zero W 32 bit with me. It’s horrendously slow running the PI OS GUI with Processing so it’s a bit painful to debug, but i’ll try again this week. Once I’ve confirmed it working there I can send you the files to test on 64 bit RPI.

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for anyone that uses this, i’ve updated the library for linux now, tested on ubuntu but should work elsewhere: GitHub - jaysonh/Dmx4Artists: Processing library to use ftdi DMX device


Hey @bananana , awesome, thanks! I’ll take a run through it on a 64 bit RPI and test the recommended hard float version of the libftd2xx.so driver