Font anti-aliasing: Processing 2 vs Processing 3

Processing 2.0.3 produces very different font anti-aliasing compared to Processing 3. Top Processing 2, bottom Processing 2:

Can this be fixed in the code for Processing 2, so that it looks like Processing 3? Higher values for smooth(4, 8) had no noteworthy effect. I use CreateFont().

Background: I build Windows/Android versions with Processing 3 but MacOS/Linux versions with Processing 2.0.3, due to lack of support for MacOS-cross-compilation in Processing 3 and because Linux builds of Processing 2.0.3 work with slightly older Linux installations out of the box.

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@dtmr – normally I wouldn’t redirect programming questions to the github repo, but in this case the question of why this is different and whether there might be a workaround between Processing versions seems like a question for the core development team. Your background statement is a really useful use case and should be included in an issue submitted there.

Processing 2 probably won’t be changed – that would break everybody’s Processing 2 stuff – but there might be a way for you to roll your own patch or back-port.