Error in every ControlWindow function

While running this line of code:

controlWindow.setTitle("Decoding Parameters");

It says: The function “hideCoordinates()” does not exist
The function “setTitle(String)” does not exist

so you let us guess about what libraray you want complain? ControlP5 ?


looks like you test old code on a newer CP5 version.
pls. tell us exactly your environment:

  • OS
  • processing version
  • ControlP5 version
  • and where you got the code ( example ) from

i checked on internet
and local on

  • win7
  • Processing IDE 3.4
  • ControlP5 2.2.6

OS: Windows 7
processing version 3.4 win64
ControlP5: 2.2.5

void setupControls() {
  control = new ControlP5(this);
  controlWindow = control.addControlWindow("controlWindow", 10, 10, 350, 128);
  controlWindow.setTitle("Decoding Parameters");

  int y = 20;
  control.addSlider("noiseThreshold", 0, 1, noiseThreshold, 10, y += 10, 256, 9).setWindow(controlWindow);
  control.addSlider("zscale", -256, 256, zscale, 10, y += 10, 256, 9).setWindow(controlWindow);
  control.addSlider("zskew", -64, 64, zskew, 10, y += 10, 256, 9).setWindow(controlWindow);
  control.addSlider("renderDetail", 1, 4, renderDetail, 10, y += 10, 256, 9).setWindow(controlWindow);
  control.addBang("screenshot", 10, y += 10, 9, 9).setWindow(controlWindow);
  control.addBang("exportCloud", 80, y, 9, 9).setWindow(controlWindow);
  control.addBang("exportMesh", 160, y, 9, 9).setWindow(controlWindow);

yes, i have ControlP5 2.2.6 and if i open

it says

// With controlP5 2.0 the ControlWindow has been removed,
// please see the changelog.txt for details.
// Instead, see the extra/ControlP5frame example for
// a ControlWindow alternative.

so that little function here
( what needs minimum

import controlP5.*;

ControlP5 control;

ControlWindow controlWindow;

this header to see anything,)
must be from some old example what will not run anymore.