Discourse & Forum archive

A fun little heads-up.

Some long-dormant muscle-memory just kicked in as I was entering this forum’s URL. So I falsely entered https://forum.processing.org. To my surprise, that page is live and points to ALL past forums.

Some are in archive mode, but it was fun going back in time – right back to ALPHA for me – and seeing OG names like fry, st33d, mflux, PhiLho and JohnG.

Also, cringing hard at my own posts from way back… :upside_down_face:

When did you all get on board?


It’s a nice reminder of the long and valueable tradition we have here.

I always used the name Chrisir here and I seem to be aboard since 10/2013 at last.

see 3d paths - Processing 2.x and 3.x Forum


Fully agree, not many a community I know is as supportive and knowledgable as this one. And open to newbies.

Though I’m a bit sad that all the years of knowledge is fragmented out over several locations.

Also, the proce55ing → Processing name switch. But I guess that was inevitable. At least it lives on with p5.js.

Going down memory lane some more, does anybody know if the original exhibitions sketches are accessible or archived somewhere? I loved those. Particularly the Wire Sculpture sound thingy by Amit Pitaru (?). And all the Complexification stuff by Jared Tarbell. Though those are still up and you can grab the source and mess around.

Oh, not to forget the sketch with the ice skating couple. So simple, so effective.


Yeah, I know that chessboard profile image for some time now. Always wondered if it was from of a thing you made.

All of them but this 1 are fully archived!
BtW, I’ve been around since https://forum.Processing.org/one/!
You can check that out at my forum name on the right-panel’s monthly reply “Leaderboard” at 2nd!




Indeed, I made a chess board with those pieces, it’s from Bauhaus Chess

see Bauhaus-Schachspiel – Wikipedia

see Bauhaus Chess Pieces - Naef Shop Europe


One of my big life questions is finally answered!

Going on a fully new tangent; those naef wooden toys are a great – albeit eye-wateringly expensive – creative coding inspiration. I can’t look at one of the more geometric toys without having my mind packing the base elements into objects and algorythming them onto the screen.

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when you look at the first second here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrCAhPaAqZ8