Controls form G4P

Hi, I’ve been using processing for a while now, I wanted to know if there are controls like CustomListView, G4P Builder and nice controls to create forms, isn’t it possible to add certain controls to G4P Builder too?, Regards

A lot of people confuse G4P and GUI Builder :smiling_face_with_tear:

G4P: A Processing library to provide a range of GUI controls for use in Processing sketches.

GUI Builder: A Processing tool that helps users create G4P interfaces. Not all G4P control types can be added from GUI Builder, these would have to be added to the source code manually.

G4P cannot replicate all the controls you might find in GUIs such as AWT, Swing or JavaFX and that was never my intention. The controls were based on what I thought most Processing users would find helpful and some controls in G4P can’t be found elsewhere e.g. GControlPalette, GPeasyView and GStick.

Although it is possible to extend existing G4P controls to provide some additional functionality it is not a simple task. If you are interested there are some discussions on the forum about doing this (if you can find them).

There have also been discussions about using Java Swing with Processing but even that can be problematic.

So the answer to your question -

is “No it isn’t”.

Sorry about that :face_with_monocle:


thanks for your reply