Contribution guide for a Student Frontend Developer

Hello Sir / Madam,

My name is Jayaditya and currently pursuing my 2nd year CS Major in India.

Recently I am enrolled in a Udemy Course to Learn Web development , I have completed the most part on Frontend development , I wanted to enhance my skills so i stumbled upon the existence of Open Source and also the Processing Foundation, and seen some projects matching my tech stack [source :GSOC]. But I am unable to get started on contributing , I deseperately need guidance to contribute and also the resourses to learn necessary skills to contribute to this Foundation.

Hello @Jayaditya and welcome to the forum :wave:

Here are some resources:

These might also be helpful:

There are many ways to contribute to the projects of the Processing Foundation. Take your time to learn and stick around the forum and you’ll surely get there. No need to rush :slight_smile:

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