Connecting with Mentor & community calls for GSoC

Hi everyone! :wave:
I am Mamatha, I would like to contribute to processing foundation as a part of gsoc, I am Studying MCA(masters in computer applications) final year. My skills are HTML, CSS, JavaScript,
I am contributing to the Friendly Sketch Embedder for p5.js project for GSoC. I have a few questions:

  1. connecting with mentor.
    What is best way to connecting with mentor, Discord, email. i can’t find Dora Do in github repository, discord.
  2. Discord & community calls
    will anyone share discord channel of processing, i already join in p5.js discord channel.
    3.Are there any community or contributor calls for GSoC contributors? If yes, when is the next one?
  3. Are there any beginner friendly issues to solve for new contributors.
    I have already setup the project locally and would love to dicuss next steps.


Hi @Mamatha1718,

The thread below is the place to ask questions about GSoC 2025 at the Processing Foundation:

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