Oh… are you sure it‘s not „Access denied“ then? Did you also open the Cmd with Administrator rights? Maybe that could help, before we start doing unneccessary difficult things .
Edit : Another reason might be that some related things already running and thus access is denied… maybe try restarting your Computer and only run the cmd command.
yeah I always run as cmd as admin. I looked at launching the emulator outside of processing and google led me to cd to the emulator dir which is some like C:\Users\myname\Documents\Processing\android\sdk\emulator and then I ran avd list to confirm that the proccessing-phone image was picked up and it is and when I try to run with emulator -avd processing-phone it exits with permission denied I checked .android and I have full control also in Documents my sdk and avd folders are in the processing documents folder. I don’t know what to check I also checked the driver thing in device manager and I do have the driver so I am lost which is why I came here
Edit: Sure, I’ll do the old turn it off and on again
got the bad boy running seems it needed processing-phone.ini which wasn’t created when I installed it from processing, I installed the emulator from android studio and …BAM it worked! Thanks for the help, I appreciate it!