I can succesfully invoke arduino-cli to build and upload programs to an arduino board.
The problem that I am having, is that the upload process takes 2 minutes before a status is returned.
When I select the wrong board type the program AVRDUDE takes 10 upload attempts and it waits a rediculous amount of time in between attemps. The thing is… if the first attempt fails, all attempts will.
What I want is a timeout on the process. If the process does not return in… lets say 10 seconds, I want to kill the process and display that the upload process has failed and the program should move on. As my code is now, my entire application freezes for 2 minutes.
I tried the function waitFor() but it does not seem to work or do what I want…
if( status == true )
{ status = false ;
println("SUCCES") ;
print("\r\nUPLOADING . . . ") ;
command = arduinoCliPath + uploadCommand ;
p = launch(command);
if(!p.waitFor(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) { p.destroy(); }
in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( p.getInputStream())); // extra debug stuff
while ((line = in.readLine( )) != null)
if( line.contains("New upload port"))
status = true ;
if( status == true )
println("SUCCES") ;
println("FAILED") ;
println("FAILED") ;
catch (RuntimeException e) {println("RuntimeException, it fails") ; }
catch (IOException e) {println("IOException, it fails") ; }
catch (InterruptedException e) {println("FAILED") ; }
Can I implement a timeout and ifso how should I do that?
Kind regards