Art+code teacher camp 2024

I am excited to share that the Processing Foundation is launching a (mostly) virtual training program for art teachers on using free and open-source software such as p5.js and Processing to make art with code (Processing Foundation — art+code). The program provides a $3000 stipend for each participant and an optional visit to UCLA Digital Media Arts. There will be an information session on Thursday, June 13, at 4 pm PT / 7 pm ET. You can sign up here (Webinar Registration - Zoom). The application for the program will be open in August. The program will be running on Zoom from September to December. All applications are welcome, with priority given to California public school art teachers who work with underserved students, so please share them widely. Let me know if you have any questions.


Hi folks,

The info session for the art+code teacher camp is happening today. Info and sign up here - Processing Foundation — art+code.
