Archive for Processing

Archive for Processing is an (unofficial) archive of resources for the Processing community. It collects software related to Processing, p5.js, Python mode /, p5py, pyp5js, R Mode / Processing.R, and other related languages, modes, libraries, and tools.

The project is intended to make the distributed ecosystem of open source libraries, modes, tools, example sets, and documentation a bit more robust. It does this by acting as a fallback, providing simple redundancy via a list of forked GitHub repositories and offline backup for distributed binaries. These forks and binary backups are to help guard against future project loss. In particular, given that many of the core open source resources of the Processing community are generously self-hosted by their contributing authors, the archive attempt to keep such works available even if their associated accounts, websites, et cetera are no longer maintained.

Archive for Processing may also serve as a list / index for browsing the amazing variety of Processing resources. However, this is an infrequently updated archive, not a directory – it is not comprehensive. More importantly, it is not a live mirror! Always use original official author repositories whenever available.

This GitHub organization account approaches this goal in the following ways:

  1. Forks:

  2. Contributions

    • Libraries, Tools, and Modes disseminated through the PDE
      Contributions Manager periodically have their metadata
      with pointers to the latest properties files and download URLs
      backed up to the /data branch of this repo:

    • Binaries are periodically backed up offline. These files
      are not distributed through GitHub, but are archived in case
      an old release is lost.

The archive contains both inactive and active projects – it includes forks of ongoing, under-development repositories.


Archive for Processing currently archives (as of 2020-03-28):

  • ~ 217 PDE Contributions Manager packages as version-tracked releases (properties files and zips)
  • ~ 352 GitHub repositories as forks with regularly updated offline copies

If you have materials that you would like to recommend for archiving or request be restored, please open an issue at

If you would like to contribute to the effort or have other questions, contact: @jeremydouglass

Archive for Processing has launched a new project:

Forked Libraries for Processing: an archive of template-forked libs, one per branch

It currently archives ~60 libraries which were originally forked from the library template for Eclipse. These include:

Adafruit_PWM_Servo_Driver NextText
ARsenico OpenCV4-for-Processing
Autodesk.Processing.LibG OSCTap
BaseProgram P5ColorThief
BlinkyTape_Processing Patterning-for-Processing
bloblib picking
Chartly polargraphlib
CodeAndChordsLibrary processing-button
color-blindness-imageprocessing processing-countdowntimer
colourlovers processing-library-oculusriftp5
dancing-drawings processing-SmartGrid
elementary-gui-project processing-spark-client
FIXLIB ProjectionMatrix
FunGUI proscene
GameOverLibrary RiftIt
GLSL-Shaders-Library SeeneLib—Processing-Library
GM4P Showtime-Processing
grafica SnapperTurtle
HersheyFont STL
honours-creatures-library tactile-graphics-processing
HPGLGraphics Tramontana-for-Processing-project
JD2XXProcessing twitterp
KeyManager UDP
keystoned Visualizer
KML-For-Processing VSync-for-Processing
lazerwrap Wooting-Keyboard-Library
lenny_lib ZXingP5
mbedJS-Processing-API (ColorMapPer)
MotionGame (firework)

Suggests for things to archive are welcome. Just open an issue.