[Android] How can I create an event (notification) after a set time in 'background'?

(example url : The Best 7 Alarm Clock Apps of 2023 )

  1. Run the APP and set the alarm time.
  2. Press the Home button and the smartphone goes to the ‘background’ state.
  3. Use other APPs.
  4. I want to make an alarm sound in ‘10 minutes later’ (at the set alarm time)

This is a question about that matter.
Q1) How can I create an event (notification) after a set time in ‘background’?

  • In summary, I’m curious about how to make it work in the ‘background’.

ref1 : Restarting app programmatically
ref2 : Can Android mode do timelapse image capture and FTP upload - #7 by akenaton