Acquiring the half-edge mesh library

Hi guys that’s a long shot i said id try.
im trying to put my hands on the

half edge mesh library, allowing to create and transform shapes in real time as you can see in the vid from like 11 years ago

the problem is iv’e donload the hemesh lates version from github and it doesn’t contain it, or the name was change, but i tried all examples and i couldn’t find anything like this where you can change the shapes real time with a slider, if any has this or knows how to get this or something very much like this i would be so grateful!


Please provide a link to the library you are referencing.

Sharing is caring.


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Hi @winterchan, the video you found doesn’t appear to be a built-in example of the HE_Mesh library. It uses the ControlP5 GUI library to control modifiers in real time. If you want to replicate this, you will have to build it yourself :smiley: Fortunately, there are plenty of examples in both libraries to get you started!

You can start looking at some of the examples like Ref_HEM_ChamferCorners which demonstrate how to use modifiers:

Screen Recording 2024-08-02 at 12.12.16


It’s worth mentioning that—thought a release is still available on GitHub and the library is usable in Processing 4—the HE_Mesh library is no longer under active development and its creator asked for it to be removed from the list of contributed libraries. Building and maintaining a tool like this is a lot of work, and while wblut is no longer supporting the library, the impact HE_Mesh had on Processing and its community cannot be overstated!


This is the library

Thanks so much for your educating and special answers, ill take a deeper look into it and see if i have any other questions. ! :100: