3D Motion Graphics for MPU9250

I am a newbie in this,just wanted to know how to visualize the MPU9250 Roll, Pitch, Yaw data to show in the Processing IDE. I want something like this: 3D Tracking with IMU I am really sorry if I have missed any information to share, let me know. Thanks in advance!

Check one of my MPU6050 examples

I use an Arduino Uno for connect the MPU6050 and a serial connection between Arduino and my PC. If thet example above doesn’t work feel free to look the other MP6050 examples.

But I can’t guarantee the my examples are still working properly.


This task has two parts: getting the data from your sensor and plotting your data. Is the first part implemented? Can you provide a sample of your data?


Check the sensor code for arduino.

This will work with https://github.com/f41ardu/myMPU6050Demo3Kalman

Sorry, I have no sample data available. Device is not configured yet.

@f42ter Apologies, My question was not for you but for @Deep
