Would need professional help with a planetarium project

I need help designing an animated infographic to be projected in the planetarium.
The outdated version was created under Processing 1.5, is available working and can be viewed upon request. There is also a German project description with further details, which is available upon request.
I don’t know how much work is involved and I can’t do it myself because I would have to start from scratch.
Who can help me find a freelancer? I can speak English quite well and my native language is German.

Best regards


Hello @fulldomedia ,

Can you please provide more details?
Who authored and owns the original work?
Is it in the public domain?
Can it be shared?

What is your current programming experience?
We all have to start somewhere… some of my best projects were started from scratch and I learned a lot along the way.

You tagged this as homework.
Please review the guidelines:

What research have you done?



I would provide more details, if i knew Your name.

the original Datafile was generated by Benjamin Richter. Once i asked him to contiue this project but he had no interest and allowed me to use it as i want.

It is not in the public domain and we would use it comercial.

It is not intended tob e shared.

I do not have time to start from nowhere because we are running 5 mobile planetariums and i have no experience with programming at all.

Removed tag „homework“. Sorry for this!

Searching for a freelancer to do this.

Do You know how to find a freelancer?

How is Your name?

Best regards

Matthias Rode

Fulldomedia GmbH

Egerländer Straße 30

37242 Bad Sooden-Allendorf

Tel.: 0173-9025010

Hi Matthias!

I’ve send you an email, this sounds like a project that I could help with!

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