I keep running into errors that involve Processing functions when I try to port to Android. I use Android Studio and use the Processing IDE to export an Android project, then take the sketch code and insert it into a fragment. The latest error was a fairly simple example from Danel Shiffman’s coding train on Fourier Series. He uses a FloatList called wave and then uses wave.insert(0,y) with y being a float. This gets a red underline in Android Studio.
Android Studio will give me a list of methods I can use for FloatList and insert() shows up twice with one method like this
insert(int i, int[] ints );
The other choice of method like this:
insert(int i, intList intList );
On Processing desktop, FloatList.insert(int,float);
I’m hoping someone can see the problem I have if I try to use Processing in Android and the methods are redefined from what works on the Desktop. I keep running into this type of incompatibility which makes me think the processing-core.jar I’m using in the /libs directory of the project is the problem.
Which .jar should I use to port Processing 3 to Android?