What type is `this` in a sketch?


When I run this code in a sketch:


I see this in the console:


What datatype or class does this belong to?

I’m trying to write a function that accepts this as an argument, but I got stuck trying to figure out what type the parameter should be.

Thank you

“This” is not a datatype. Read more here:



See also Can anyone help explain the following use of "this" and "PApplet"?


I’m trying to write a function that accepts this as an argument, but I got stuck trying to figure out what type the parameter should be.

After following the link shared above (marked as solution), I learned that that type of such an argument should be PApplet. Thanks for your help.

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PApplet is the super datatype.

But the actual datatype is the name of the 1st tab w/o the extension “.pde”.

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And inside a class it’s the class

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