I know that Processing.js is no longer being developed but I must export my sketch as more like a regular executable program and less like an applet.
First problem is what the system sees the sketch as on Windows: when I go to the task manager, I see the sketch is recognized as two sets of “JAVA™ Platform SE Binary” programs. Isn’t really a way to get it titled with my app name and icon?
And yes, the second problem is the icon. For the icon on the titlebar and taskbar, I’m using the code below:
PImage icon = loadImage("icon.png");
as suggested here.
And for the application icon, I tried changing the default icon of the Processing at processing-3.5.4-windows64\processing-3.5.4\modes\java\application\sketch.ico
Windows still doesn’t recognize the icon .on the task manager.
And the last step to the regular executable file is the Software details you get on the ‘Properties’ window. Can I change the version, the author info etc?
Is hacking needed to achieve those things?
I’m thinking of getting a professional code signing for the OS and the clients to see it’s from a verified publisher. Does that procedure allow me to apply any of those things?
Any help is much appreciated.