Hi all, I’m new to p5.js (and a pretty rusty at JavaScript!) and working on building a little program that will have buttons on a map that will play sounds recorded at those points on the map.
I’m attempting to use an ellipse shape as those buttons, but struggling to get it to play the audio. Any advice on how to get that to work? I may have this set up all wrong, but here’s my code. Thank you so much!
var sounds = [];
var bg;
// datapoints are [x, y, mp3Location]
var dataPoints = {
0: [40, 150, 'assets/crow.wav'],
1: [32, 77, 'assets/flamingo.wav'],
2: [255, 255, 'assets/ocelot.wav']
var dataPointsLen = Object.keys(dataPoints).length;
function preload() {
for (let i = 0; i < dataPointsLen; i++) {
let sound = 'sound';
let thisFile = dataPoints[i][2];
sounds.i = loadSound(thisFile);
function setup() {
bg = loadImage('assets/HAlCuTaAu-141.jpg');
radius = 20;
createCanvas(1440, 960);
button = new PlayButton(dataPoints[0][0], dataPoints[0][1], radius, sounds[0]);
function draw() {
//create PlayButton object that takes coordinates, radius, soundFile location
function PlayButton(tempX, tempY, radius, soundFile) {
this.x = tempX;
this.y = tempY;
this.diameter = radius*2;
this.sound = soundFile;
if (mouseIsPressed) {
if (this.sound.isPlaying()){
this.display = function() {
ellipse(this.x, this.y, this.diameter, this.diameter);