Uploading a text file to a server/URL

Thank you both for your answers. Okay so for my program…
First of all, it consists of two parts: the one we’re talking about on PC, and the other one for mobile devices which won’t be downloaded more than 1000 times. So what is this seemingly useless app? I’m still going to school and whenever there is a teacher who can’t be there, this is shown on the “Vertretungsplan”, or “cover-plan”, in English? Basically, whenever we are in a different room than usual or our teacher had to be exchanged, we can see this on that plan/board/whatever.
We - the students - have been asking for an app that shows ous that plan on our phones, so I decided to handle that problem myself (I only wanted to see if I could program it, but now it seems like it could actually be published). So the app only uses loadStrings(URL); once in setup (I guess around 300 people would actually use it in the morning and while preparing for school in the evening).

But how do the teachers set up that plan?
This is the program we’re talking about: it basically compresses all the steps that are too uncomfortable for a non-programmer into one button press. This function would be calles once or twice a day.

Okay so before anyone here feels cheated, I have already solved the uploading process. I explain it here However I would be interested in learning how to use the commons net library with ftp in java/processing. So maybe we could continue this discussion under a more fitting name and switch to this topic.

Or, if you don’t want to help me anymore since I already solved it, that’s fine too.