Unfolding Not working with processing 3

Hello everyone, I am new to Processing and I am trying to work with the unfolding library. I downloaded the available 0.9.6 version from the unfolding site but it is not working fine with processing 3.
Any help will be appriciable.


Hi @singhv3,

Have you tried downloading version 0.9.9 ? It seems to be the beta version for Processing 3.

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@solub I was trying version 0.9.6 and couldn’t find any new version. Thanks for the link for new version, I’ll try with this one.

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You’re welcome.

Indeed, the official page only provides download links until version 0.9.6. Later updates are not listed. The latest known release seems to be 0.9.9 (found here) and is probably the only version compatible with Processing 3.