Trouble running the IDE and file placement

I’m having a heck of a time trying to get I3 running consistently. I thought I figured out the required directory structure, but now nothing works. I’m trying to run examples in Chapter 3 of the book. Today, however, all I get is a blank sketch. Last week I had the sketch, the map, the states, all showing fine. I made no changes to the file structure or file contents!
BTW, I’m running this on Ubuntu Linux 18.04.
Here is a tree result with the files:
├── sketch_200611a
│ ├──
│ └── sketch_200611a_pde
│ ├── data
│ │ ├── locations.tsv
│ │ ├── map.png
│ │ └── random.tsv
│ └── sketch_200611a_pde.pde
├── sketch_mouseOverText
│ └── mouseOverTest_pde
│ └── sketch_mouseOverText
│ ├── data
│ │ ├── BitstreamVeraSans-Bold-12.vlw
│ │ ├── locations.tsv
│ │ ├── map.png
│ │ ├── names.tsv
│ │ └── random.tsv
│ └── sketch_mouseOverText.pde
└── sketch_mousePressed
└── sketch_mousePressed.pde

Which sketch are you trying to run? You are showing nested sketches. Is that intended?

My way to troubleshoot this is to run examples that comes with Processing. If the examples run fine, then I know the issue is in my code.

If you intend to have nested sketches, tell us how they are connected. By the way, do you get any errors in the console beside the white screen?


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