[SOLVED] Properties in Processing

I’m converting a project from p5.js to processing and am struggling to find the equivalent in processing. I’m using the p5.js properties

var a = {};

so that I can later access and update this variable as such;

var b = steps

  a[b] = steps;

However I dont understand how to achieve the same effect in processing.

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Another resource:



I understand Arraylists, these allow you to create a variable size array, and allows you to use the get method to retrieve the values and the add method to add values. However what I’m looking for is a way to implement the following functionality.

function super_path(){


for(var i=nodestar.length-1;i>-1;i--){
    var b = backupstar[i].original_id;
    nodestar[i].imprinted_by[b] = true;

    var next = nodestar[i].neighbourNode(true,b,backupstar[i]);
        next[1].node_to_node_dist[b] = nodestar[i].node_to_node_dist[b] + next[0];
        backupstar[i].nodesconnected[next[1].original_id] = next[1].node_to_node_dist[b];
        nodestar[i].path_ref[b] = [nodestar[i]]
        next[1].path_ref[b] = [nodestar[i].path_ref[b],next[1]];
        next[1].path_ref[b] = next[1].path_ref[b].flat();
        backupstar[i].pathtable[next[1].original_id] = [next[1].path_ref[b]];
        nodestar[i] = next[1];

    else if(!next&&stackstar[i].length>0){

      nodestar[i] = stackstar[i].pop();


Backupstar[i] is used as a reference and each visited object is marked with the id contained in backupstar[i] and its distance to it. Backupstar[i] is also marked with all the cells which it has visited, and in this way I can check the distance from the original backupstar[i].

Using an array would not allow me to solve my problem, as the property which I’m creating contains both the cell id and distance. If I were using an array i understand that I could use a multidimensional array, ie 2 deep. But then i would not be able to use the include function to check the values it contained unless i iterated with a loop, which can become quite costly.

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Found the solution.

The HashMap type, acts almost exactly like the properties type in javascript;

HashMap<String,Integer> ca = new HashMap<String,Integer>();


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