Simultaneous (nested) AniSequences

Hello. I’m trying to use the Ani library to orchestrate a sketch that contains several “sub-modes” that have their own timelines and display methods. Essentially, I would like the master sketch to run a sequence similar to:

  • Do some intro stuff

  • Mode 1 plays: start its own sequence, reach the end

  • Do some transition stuff

  • Mode 2 plays: start its own sequence, reach the end

  • Do some outro stuff

The “modes” being their own classes with their own display() methods that are called by the master draw() when necessary. There are several “modes” but for the sake of minimal reproducible error here I’m showing only one Mode class.

I’m successfully running an AniSequence inside my Mode class but I get this error: ### Ani Debug -> Error @ AniCore -> dispatchOnFinish(). java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
as the Mode’s own sequence reaches its end and tries to tell the master AniSequence to resume().

Any ideas?
Thank you very much!
See code below:

import de.looksgood.ani.*;
import de.looksgood.ani.easing.*;
Mode mode1;
AniSequence score;
int foo;

void setup() {
  size(1000, 500);
  score = new AniSequence(this);
  foo = 0;
  mode1 = new Mode(this, score);
  //do one first step, then start mode1
  score.add(, 1, "foo", 255, Ani.LINEAR, mode1, "onEnd:enter"));
  // and pause the master score.
  score.add(, 1, "foo", 255, Ani.LINEAR, "onStart:pauseMasterScore"));
  //when master score is resumed do this
  score.add(, 2, "foo", 0, Ani.LINEAR));

void draw() {
  println("master score step = ", score.getStepNumber());

void loop() {

void pauseMasterScore() {
  println("##################### MASTER SCORE PAUSED");

class Mode {
  AniSequence mScore;
  AniSequence mParentScore;
  int mPos = 0;

  Mode(PApplet _p, AniSequence _ps) {
    mParentScore = _ps;
    mScore = new AniSequence(_p);
    mScore.add(, 2, "mPos", 50, Ani.LINEAR, "onEnd:resumeMasterScore")); //do something then resume the master score

  void enter() {
    println("##################### SUB SCORE STARTED");

  void display() {
    println("sub score step ", mScore.getStepNumber());
    fill(150, 0, 0);
    rect(mPos, mPos, 100, 100);
  void resumeMasterScore() {
    println("master score resumed");

i think the program structure is ok,

just the .resume() is bad,
as when i use .pause() instead i not get a error.

( both not make sense for me, and i never used that library / and in a class / with nested structure /
so i not know what i am talking about )