“Serial.list()” - Error: UnsatisfiedLinkError: Could not load the jssc library: Couldn’t load library library jssc

OS: Mac OS Monterey
V. 12.4
Processing Ide version 4.0b8
Issue: ON Processing 4.0b8 - “Serial.list()” - Error: UnsatisfiedLinkError: Could not load the jssc library: Couldn’t load library library jssc

import processing.serial.*;
Serial myPort;

void setup(){
myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600);
I have verified that the error is generated by the “Serial.list()” method.
The problem occurs in Processing Ide version 4.0b8.

On Processing 4.0b7 there are no problems and everything works at its best!

Any suggestions?

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The problem reported in my previous post (regarding the blockage on the method “Serial.list() in in Processing Ide version 4.0b8” has been fixed.
I had installed the Apple Silicon version of processing 4.0b8, because I have an apple M1, while installing the 4.0b8 Intel 64 bit version strangely enough despite having an M1 everything works smoothly.