Hello !
does anyone know why on my code my image is not in the original format? I try to apply Resize but it does not work on my image? how can i resize it? it looks like she puts herself in a square
I just want my image to be at the original size, to appear in the center when there is sound
Thank you for your help !!
import [processing.video](https://processing.video/).*;
import processing.sound.*;
AudioIn micro;
Amplitude amp;
Movie movie;
PImage logo;
void setup() {
fullScreen ();
movie = new Movie(this, "gradient_low.mov");
micro = new AudioIn(this, 0);
amp = new Amplitude(this);
logo = loadImage("logoo.png");
[//logo.resize](https://logo.resize/)(590, 275);
void draw() {
//image(movie, 0, 0);
[//logo.resize](https://logo.resize/)(width, height);
//image(logo,width/2, height/2, amp.analyze() * 2550, amp.analyze() * 2550);
[//logo.resize](https://logo.resize/)(590, 275);
image(logo,width/2, height/2, amp.analyze() * 2550, amp.analyze() * 2550);
[//logo.resize](https://logo.resize/)(int(amp.analyze()) * 2550, 1004);
//image(logo,width/2, height/2);
//image(logo,width/2, height/2, amp.analyze() * 2550, amp.analyze() * 2550);
void movieEvent(Movie m) {