Research study participants needed this week for an AI-augmented creative coding IDE (paid)

Hi there! We’re a team of researchers from Stanford University and Replit, Inc. We spent the past six months talking to creative coders and designing a tool to support artistic exploration and iteration.

We are looking for experienced p5js / Processing coders to evaluate our research prototype this week. It would be a one-time study that would take 75 minutes via Zoom. During the study, we’ll ask you to screenshare as you code a small snippet of p5.js code as well as write prompts in an AI-augmented interface. We’ll then ask you a couple questions about the experience. You’ll be compensated for your time with a $30 gift card.

We are eager to hear feedback from real artists and programmers as we build the prototype, and we thank you in advance for your interest. :slight_smile:

If interested, please complete:

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at jennyhan @