Hi Guys,
I work with Processing since 2002 or so. I love it and it is very rare that I have a problem. But now I have:
It´s with the reproducability of my Algo.
To get a reproducable Sequence of random-numbers, I call randomSeed() with a fixed hard-coded integer. (here, it is 1)
The Code then produces a Structure by random-decisions like shown in this movie:
What I don´t get: Why is the Algo not working identical in two runs, if the number of traces is “high”, like 5 or 6, but it always is reproducable with only 1 or 2 traces. I have already checked and verified that the randomSeed(n) - works as expected.
There must be a reason for being not reproducable in my software. I am not using parallel threads. So there should be no racing conditions. What am I missing? Is there something hidden in Processing that influences the order of processing steps? I really need a hint here…
Unfortunately the code is a little too big to upload it all. But with the right hint, I can make a crystal and short version that shows the problem. I really want to understand the reason behind it.
“QUERTZ” - Jens
P.S: Current Version is 4.0b2