Random walker on certain part of the canvas


I’m playing around with a Random Walker code. How can I make the Walker to be displayed only at the bottom half of the screen with the following code? And also not disapearing from the canvas ?
Thanks in advance for your help!

let grid;
let cols, rows;
let x;
let y;
let spacing = 10;

function make2DArray (cols, rows) {
let arr = new Array(cols);
  for (let i =0; i<arr.length; i++){
    arr[i] = new Array (rows);
return arr;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 400);
  cols = floor(width/spacing);
  rows = floor (height/spacing);
  x = cols/2;
  y = rows/2;
  background (0);
  grid = make2DArray(cols,rows);

function draw() {
stroke (255,100);
 strokeWeight (spacing * 0.5); 
  point(x * spacing, y*spacing);
  const r = floor (random(4));
  switch (r){
    case 0: x = x+1;
    case 1 : x = x -1;
    case 2 : y = y+1;
    case 3 : y = y-1;

What about an if-clause ? Before you change x or y, check if the new position would be allowed (stays inside the lower half of the screen).

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You’re right. But I don’t get why I can’t “translate” it only to the bottom of the canvas. Is it because it’s a 2D array?

Try this please

put /4 here

Thank you for your reply but unfortunately that does not work. I think I had tried that before. I also tried rows = floor ((height/2)/spacing);. That doesn’t work either.

This was wrong. My bad.

I meant y = (rows/4.0)*3.0;

Full Sketch

let grid;
let cols, rows;
let x;
let y;
let spacing = 10;

function make2DArray (cols, rows) {
let arr = new Array(cols);
  for (let i =0; i<arr.length; i++){
    arr[i] = new Array (rows);
return arr;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 400);
  cols = floor(width/spacing);
  rows = floor (height/spacing);
  x = cols/2;
  y = (rows/4.0)*3.0;
  background (0);
  grid = make2DArray(cols,rows);

function draw() {
stroke (255,100);
 strokeWeight (spacing * 0.5); 
  point(x * spacing, y*spacing);
  const r = floor (random(4));
  switch (r){
    case 0: x = x+1;
    case 1 : x = x -1;
    case 2 : if((y+1)*spacing<width) y = y+1;
    case 3 : if((y-1)*spacing>width/2.0) y = y-1;

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Thanks for your help and your time, but I still get the same result. The “walker” goes around the full canvas :frowning:

This y is only the starting point for y.

You need to implement the if-clauses we mentioned.

Did you run my code?

I made 2 (of 4) if-clauses.

Oh no I didn’t, I’m sorry! You’re right it works! Thank you very much!

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please add the 2 missing if-clauses