processPeaks() not returning in p5.Sound

I’m trying to get the processPeaks() method in the Sound library to return the Array it says it should in documentation. None of the examples provided in the p5 github/website work either. I’ve tried the sketches in both Safari and Chrome. This code never reaches the ‘print(tempos)’ even though all the other p5.sound functionality like playing and live FFT peakDetection is working.

let musicFile;
let targets;
let backColor = 0;

function preload() {
	musicFile = loadSound('testMusic.mp3');

function setup() {
	createCanvas(700, 700);
	let methodReturn = musicFile.processPeaks((callbackReturn) => {
		// Never reached

function draw() {

// (Example for context)
// Beat Detection with offline context example by @b2renger
// Building off an example by Joe Sullivan :
// and this example, too :

// var source_file; // sound file

// function preload(){
//   source_file = loadSound('testMusic.mp3'); // preload the sound
// }

// function setup() {
//   createCanvas(windowWidth, 150);
//   background(180);

//   src_length = source_file.duration();
//   source_file.playMode('restart'); 
//   console.log("source duration: " + src_length);

//   // find beat preprocessing the source file with lowpass
//   var beats = source_file.processPeaks(onComplete);
// }

// function draw() {
// }

// function onComplete(data) {
//   for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
//     // add a cue to the soundfile with a callback function
//     source_file.addCue(data[i], logBeat);

//     // draw peaks
//     var xpos = map(i,0,src_length,0,width);
//     stroke(0);
//     line(xpos,0,xpos,height);
//   }
// }

// function logBeat() {
//   console.log('beat!');
// }