Processing on Jetson Nano

There should be a stack trace leading up to that? If so it might help narrow down what Processing, JOGL, or even JVM functions are triggering this.

This are the errors that Ubuntu shows: (I tried “ulimit -c unlimited”, but it doesn’t work.)

Sorry, I meant in the hs_err file it should give you a stack trace and thread dump which should tell you what thread in the JVM crashed and what it was trying to do.

This is one of them:

It seems that the “experimental FX2D renderer is not supported on ARM, because Oracle dropped support for JavaFX on ARM devices with Java 8u33. We might want to try using OpenJFX project in the future, but as of now this is unsupported.” , as seen in
But if I run it on Raspberry Pi 3 B+(an ARM SBC), it doesn’t crash although it goes really slow! This is crazy

So the GL crash is in glXGetProcAddress. Possibly check the JOGL forum on that? Few mentions online but nothing that seems particularly relevant.

What OS is on the device? There are some ARM builds of OpenJFX. Think Ubuntu and others package OpenJFX 8 for ARM. And at least Liberica has an ARM build of OpenJFX as far as I know, but only for OpenJDK 11+ which will need Processing to catch up first.

I’ll take a look to JOGL forum.
It’s an Ubuntu 18.04.
I tested Liberica too.
But, for now, I have a Raspberry Pi that can run processing P3D sketches and a Jetson Nano with a Maxwell GPU with 128 cores that can’t do that!:sweat_smile:

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Well, there’s so if you can get Processing to play nicely with a system installed OpenJDK 8 you might have a chance! Bon voyage! :grinning:

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Thanks a lot for your help, neilcsmith!!! :wink:

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Incredible, I have Processing sketches running with OpenGL renderers. Although when I close them you can see some errors in the console, the sketch runs now.
I have read the post of Diablo in and he gave me an idea. I changed the /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ problematic file for the /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/tegra/ file. Then I rename this file to and Processing now can run OpenGL rendered sketches.
The problem seems to be that Processing when uses OpenGL doesn’t link to tegra lib and it goes to I’m not a computer technician, I can be wrong but it works.

These are the final errors that appear when I close the sketch:


Invalid solution!!!
It lets me switch on once or twice the Jetson Nano correctly. Then, a black screen appears and you only can see the Desktop app logos. You can’t see the upper side menu, neither the logos that appear in the dock that is at the left side of the screen. If you open some window, you can’t see the controls for minimize it or close it.
It is a complete disaster!!!

Did you ever get Nano to work with Processing smoothly?

I could use it smoothly but only with the default renderer.
Those sketches that use OpenGL don’t work (those that has P2D or P3D in the size tag).