Processing Android debug mode

Hello everyone, I am trying to export a processing game I made in android mode to google play. I am trying to upload the apk, but it keeps throwing an error that it’s a “debuggable” apk. I tried setting the debug value in the androidManifest file to false, but that doesn’t seem to work. How would I disable debugging so that when I export the apk google won’t throw this error?

have you created your apk using export signed package?

What was happening was there was an error in the androidmanifest file that processing generated. You’re not supposed to specify the minsdk version, or else it won’t compile. It worked when I deleted the android:minSdk version code. Also, I learned that you need to use the signed_aligned version of the exported apk.

@SNICKRS === can you precise what error is fired when you use minSdk (because minSDK is important for users); put here the console error message.

I get an error with gradle in the console when trying to export with minSdk and that there was something wrong with the androidmanifest file.

@SNICKRS === what error is fired by gradle? and put also here the Manifest you are using