I’ve been trying the colour features in Processing-4 IDE. It’s better than Processing-3 but not as flexible as I’d like.
You can select a theme (Tools, Theme Selector), and save it. Then you can edit the theme.txt and reload immediately to see the effect. (That part is miles better than P3.)
I’ve tried all the obvious settings in theme.txt and commented them on what they do (or not (for me)).
There are still several parts of the language that won’t change colour. Just to confirm, I changed all the settings to green, then anything not covered by those settings shows in white. This e.g. is what it looks like.
There’s a few different items there: variables, operators, brackets. It would look much better if they could be separately coloured. Probably connected to the ‘nothing’ items below. (The Arduino IDE is better in this respect, but it seems the two IDEs have gone their separate ways.)
I’d appreciate it if someone would confirm this or tell me what I’m missing.
# Two sorts of comments
editor.token.comment1.style = #00FF00,plain
editor.token.comment2.style = #00FF00,plain
# Nothing/Don't know
editor.token.function1.style = #B020E0,plain
# methods, e.g. format of String.format
editor.token.function2.style = #0080F0,plain
# for and if (but not else)
editor.token.function3.style = #F09000,plain
# Predifined func names e.g. setup, draw, mousePressed
editor.token.function4.style = #FFFF00,bold
# Nothing/Don't know
editor.token.invalid.style = #666666,bold
# void, new, public, import
editor.token.keyword1.style = #B00080,plain
# Nothing/Don't know
editor.token.keyword2.style = #FF8000,bold
# else
editor.token.keyword3.style = #F09000,plain
# width, height
editor.token.keyword4.style = #80B000,plain
# Data types: int, long, String, boolean, ArrayList
editor.token.keyword5.style = #E06000,plain
# this
editor.token.keyword6.style = #9080E0,plain
# Nothing/Don't know
editor.token.label.style = #666666,bold
# Character and string literals e.g. 'A' "Hello"
editor.token.literal1.style = #00B0B0,plain
# Constants: LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER,
editor.token.literal2.style = #404080,plain
# Nothing/Don't know
editor.token.operator.style = #FF8000,BOLD